Tag Uhrzeit Raum Titel Untertitel
Freitag 12 1 How To Leave The Planet Welcome To The Camp.
Join The Crew.

Introduction To The Camp
Freitag 12 2

Freitag 14 1 Politics of Creating Crypto Software How to create free strong crypto software without getting into trouble with the various regulatory agencies.
Freitag 14 2 "How to ask for help on the net" -- finding information
Finding Information on the net is sometimes not as easy as it looks. The talk gives also some sort of introduction to the whole field of Search Engines, how to ask questions, Communities, generating information and beeing patient.
Freitag 16 1 Faktorisierung Nach Zuruf einer - sagen wir mal zwölfstelligen - Zahl versucht der Vortragende diese zu faktorisieren, ohne dabei auf spezialisierte Software zurückzugreifen. A Paper and Pencil Attack.
Freitag 16 2 Holographie Einführung Claus gibt einen allgemeinen und einführenden Überblick über das weite Feld der Holographie.
Freitag 18 1

Freitag 18 2 Security & Authentication Mechanisms NT vs. Linux vs. Novell We will discuss and evaluate the Security and Authentication mechanisms in these three popular Operating Systems.
Freitag 20 1 "Secure and Fast Hard disk (and Pilot) Encryption with Smart Cards" Smart cards are very user friendly and pretty tamper-proof - ok,ok not really if you hang on the CCC-Camp. But if you look at the performance, smart cards are like a compressed C64. So if you want to use a smart card supported files system, we have to use more sophisticated protocols. And we have developed some, free and even exportable to the US.
Freitag 20 2 Careerpunks "A Career in Mischief: Cypherpunks in Corporate Security"
"How to Succeed in Business -- for Cypherpunks"
"It's Not Just a Job, It's a Hack" / "Cypherpunk Corporate Camoflage Camp"
"Take This Job and Ping It" / "Hacking the Corporate Ladder for Fun & Profit"
Freitag 22 1 Angel A workshop about the development of the remailer-friendly cryptographic mail transfer agent "angel".
Freitag 22 2 Hacker Variety Pack The many ways one can be a hacker. Not all of which have anything to do with getting root on a machine. The panel will consist of Lucky Green, Ian Goldberg, John Gilmore, Hugh Daniel, and Sameer Parekh and some more people.
The idea is to teach the kids that there are other ways to do cool stuff
than to just hack boxes. We need managers, social engineers, scientists, and more.
Freitag 24 1 Biometric Insecurity Biometrical Authentication is one of the most interesting fields for future hacking. Bypassing finger print scanners, hand shape scanners, and other biometric devices will be discussed in more or less detail as well as the basic theories behind it.
Freitag 24 2 Linux Security Summit How to get strong encryption into main Linux distributions.
Samstag 12 1 Secure Networks for the Future. DNSSEC, IPSEC, FreeSWAN DNSSEC, IPSEC, FreeSWAN.
Samstag 12 2 Telefonnetz-Hacking & servicewatch - Geschichten Auch das Telefonnetz ist trotz oder gerade wegen des Internets interssant geblieben. Erörterungen zum Phreaking auch für Anfänger und servicewatch erzählt Geschichten.
Samstag 14 1 Sicherheit kommerzieller NT-basierter Firewalls Am praktischen Beispiel werden wir die Sicherheit von kommerziellen WindowsNT-basierten Firewalls erforschen und diskutieren. Ein Testsetup wird nach diesem Workshop im Camp-Netz stehen um weitere gezielte Forschungen durchzu führen.
Samstag 14 2 Telephony voice encryption - project and therories Projects on voice encryption show their state of development.
Samstag 16 1 Generic Bidirectional Mapper Vorgestellt wird ein Yacc-Nachfolger, der ausreichen komplex ist, um die praktischen externen Datenstrukturen in einem Ritt zu lesen und zu schreiben.
Samstag 16 2 Intrusion Detection Systems - a Reality Check This workshop will try to give an overview on the current state of Intrusion Detection Systems. Two or three commerial, semicommercial and free intrusion detection systems will be tested in a real hostile environment.
Samstag 18 1 Multicast Protocolls (for Beginners) Multicast is a more and more important field of the Internet development. This workshop will cover the basics as well as recent developments in this field.
Samstag 18 2 Advanced Image Manipulation with the GIMP A tour of Gimp's image manipulation power. What is Gimp and why should you use it? Selections, masks, layers, modes and channels, or how do you do really advanced image manipulation. Map and distort, examples of how to make your own custom box in Gimp. Color and Image corrections with Gimp's powerful color manipulation plug-ins. A Quick tour of the GIMP plug-in Land.
Samstag 20 1 Down with the DEA -State of Process for the next DES "Advanced Encryption Standard: State of Process"
Down with the DEA! A new star will born soon.
A first closer look on the candidates for the Advanced Encryption
Standard. Some of them are very secure, very fast and designed by very
nice guys.
Samstag 20 2 Construction of WindowsNT shell code for Buffer Overflow exploits We will discuss and demonstrate how to construct, write and test insertion codes to exploit WindowsNT buffer overflow exploits.
Samstag 22 1 Verschwörungstheorien Muster und Mechanismen von Verschörungstheorien. Wie verbreiten sie sich, welche Gemeinsamkeiten gibt es? Ein kulturwissenschaftlich-entspannter Betrachtungsversuch.
Samstag 22 2 CIPHR'00 planning meeting. This is the planing meeting for the Cypher Rights Conference in 2000
Samstag 24 1 Poetry Slam Gedichte, Poetry, Lyrik, wasauchimmer
Samstag 24 2 Nerdbank: Feasability of an open source banking After a brief introduction why banking may be good target for
the open source paradigm, and various protocols considered possible the
speakers would like to start a discussion on the overall doability of the
open-source ecommerce as well as on the choice of protocols.
Sonntag 12 1 Eingeschränkt freie Berufswahl in der IT-Branche Ein Erlebnisbericht zu den Risiken einer abweichenden Meinung für die Freiheit der Berufswahl.
Sonntag 12 2 "Crypto-Hacking Export restrictions" There are still many silly export restriction for cryptographic software. Therefore we have taken a closer look on nice mathematical tricks to improve key length, building encryption systems with signature cards and using "non decrypting" JAVA cards to do en- and decryption. For all these systems there exist nice mathematical security proofs, but perhaps we should do some funnier things too, like encrypting with Solitaire cards or PERL body painting.
Sonntag 14 1 Das Chaos-CD Projekt Das Projekt zur Erstellung des Inhalts der nächsten Chaos-CD stellt sein Konzept vor und verteilt Arbeits-Päckchen an Mitarbeitswillige Mitmenschen
Sonntag 14 2 Freedom - the pseudonymous IP Network - Introduction In this workshop Ian Goldberg gives an overview of Freedom, a pseudonymous IP network that is soon to be released publicly.
Sonntag 16 1 IP V6: Erfahrungen aus dem IP V6-Feldversuch auf dem Camp Was ging, was ging nicht beim IP V6-Ackerversuch? Eine Bilanz.
Sonntag 16 2

Sonntag 18 1 Chaos Communication Camp Reverse Engineering Award Ceremony A price for the best reverse engineering project at the Chaos Communication Camp will be handed out. IThe winner gets a very rare price: one of the only eight GSM diagnostic SIM's I know of with rewritable internal keys.
A board of judges that consists of several well known and respected members of the hacker comunity will try to judge the winner independently.
Sonntag 18 2

Sonntag 20 1

Sonntag 20 2

Sonntag 22 1

Sonntag 22 2

Sonntag 24 1

Sonntag 24 2